Recruitment off / on universe Ozone [en]
/ Alliance Position Points Members
1[TUTO]TUTORIAL321 385 4286
0[Sith]The Sith Lords103 848 6821
1[ROM]The Romanian Force67 768 4991
1[BALKAN]BALKAN58 200 6353
1[Voyager]Voyager14479 2922
1[E H]Event Horizon1158 775 4554
1[SPF]Space Ferrets17151 2771
1[RMN]Royal Manticore Navy19142 3121
1[USA]United Super Alliance16171 6301
1[Rome]The Roman Empire411 664 2682
1[T4SK]T4SK ALLiANC322102 1761
1[MiCo]Miner Corporation77 595 4801
1[G2U]Glory to Ukraine12764 0511
1[EKLI]Eklipso2516 3651
1[COSIC]Cosmic Intellect Coalition13505 9601
1[EGG]EGG20114 5411
1[HNK]Hrvatska21102 5871
1[BNA]Brady Nick Association272 2391
1[Peace]Peace247 778 1172
1[CoCo]Cosmic Conglomerate84 119 1252
0[OTU]Order Of The Unknown15303 5971
1[ACTIVE]here2369 7231
1[Meomeo]Meomeo93 974 0801
1[M-agy-ar]MAGYAR-Agyar2433 3781
1[DSA]Dark Sector Alliance266 3441
1[Over]Overgeared18149 6331
1[ann]aknon111 203 7371