Transfer of players of the day [fr]
Player Old New Points Position
Lord Orion[Camorra]9 225 0245
Gregio[IIIII]1 601 11654
LaSCaR[RUSH]1 484 15358
MAXIMUS[OSL]1 160 55781
Hardmania[OSL]923 561100
Lalou[OSL]588 842141
Dn1125[RUSH]358 476207
Admiral Centauri[SHR] 168 490288
Earendil[ARK]132 992314
bachuss[UTC]126 345319
Myo[RUSH] 104 309339
Lord Marshal[L E N] 101 293342
Deegroy[ARK] 81 964372
Reliette[LGDC] 72 903390
Ronix53[RUSH] 63 927409
Aegnor[LKY]43 669466
Proconsul Neso[RUSH] 41 004481
Vice Pavo[RUSH] 40 123486
Captain flam 79[PAPY]39 314494
Eros_Lord[KFC]35 317521
Saltyi[LGDC] 31 060546
RaGNaR[RUSH] 26 372581
Gerob[ARK] 25 911588
Sans AM[RUSH] 20 684621
Fisto[RUSH] 20 484623
rudydu68650[BLAST]13 687716
o_OkAayY[Waifu]8 759805
abelardise[SHR] 7 204834
Lord Vega[LGDP]5 840883
Constable Proteus[BZH INC]4 882930
ponsp[AKA] 3 779994
SkibidiWazo[WCIE] 3 1851 018
Ayanokoji[Ifoe]2 0921 115
Kyvorus[GOTG] 1 9591 130
Akai-Sensei[ADI]1 1561 223
Humshop[REXADIES]1 0731 241
Senator Mymy[MYM]5911 335
Commander Janus[hmn]4801 377
Captain Hubble[RUSH] 4441 386
Venerable[NAL]4351 388
Technocrat Hunter[LGDC]3931 412
Nikoo[RUSH] 3881 414
kikinou67[CTE]3711 424
amsteroide[ACF]3441 436
Tutevucantabus[BLAST]3231 445
President Pioneer[LGE]2271 475
hrorus[IMP]1621 524
ChickenJoe[KFC]1051 575
General Nikolson[CapCorp]871 611
Consul Portia[knacki]551 667
Lieutenant MattV[EmpGal]531 669
President Hubble[ACF] 431 691
Lord BoB[Galak]281 744