Recruitment off / on universe Uriel [en]
/ Alliance Position Points Members
1[GDM]Green Dragon Mercenaries104 713 0912
1[GLoTR]GooD Luck on THE ReBuiLD281 045 8821
1[Stoners]Stoners45539 3691
1[SAMCRO]Sons of Anarchy1573 8801
1[TUGA]TUGA FORCE143 073 3262
1[Dutch]The Flying Dutchman1486 6452
1[Pride]Pride82101 3411
1[ROU]RoStars76 366 7454
1[RAKI]The MEYHANE271 046 6761
1[S-A]Sector Alpha221 477 0911
1[UKM]UKMayhem11826 7951
1[FURIA]FURIA51416 1701
1[LGAMERS]Lazy Gamers1752341
1[SG-A]StarGate-Atlantis11726 8771
1[XZenith]XZenith70199 4731
1[KKhh]KulKompisKlan9853 7261
1[Winter]House Stark12622 8781
1[Trump]TrumpsRightHand74163 1962
1[GoG]Guardians of the Galaxy66 586 7142
1[INS]The Galactic Empire12123 5601
1[siii]OgaymMasters49436 1081
1[Woop]Woop11232 9071
1[ZYZZ]ZYZZ11034 5483
1[Regards]House Lannister80110 3592
1[ANCAP]Libertarian9360 7391
1[TGov]The Government12819 2911
1[HoM]Hegemony of Man75157 5191
1[LIGHT]Star Warriors201 594 7481
1[MSA]Mad Scientist Alliance1428 9801
1[FulMonky]Going Full Monkey1706921
1[OgGS]Original Geek Squad13413 5381
1[GOI]GlobalOffensiveInitative43548 6261
1[TPD]Zrilička Squad1593 3011
1[TAU]TAU Covenant1641 1151
1[Noodle]Orbital Noodles50430 5061
1[DEV]DEV10348 2331
1[DSA]Dark suns awakening9557 7391
1[wtf]wheres the food12025 6101
0[F P A]Free Planets Alliance251 189 3087
1[4 2]Thanks For_All_The Fish9165 5561
1[Warriors]The Galactic Alliance41610 8891
1[D T]Dreaming52405 7361
1[LoF]League of Freedom1544 4451
1[N W O 2]New World Order 211331 1021
1[GL0TR]Greatlordoftherings11926 0581
1[USA-LGN]Western Legion10641 3111
1[FFG]bene elohim241 240 1481
1[RIPJON]Jon dies a lot13115 7611
1[ILD]Spis Ild1678611
1[U5AB]Uriel 5 Alliance Buds13810 7291
1[U-A]United Alliance42609 7391
1[BMW]BMW1380 807 6902
1[TRT]The Retard Team9458 7461
1[DERP]HERPDERP9065 9711
1[SIN]StrengthInNumbers316 876 7482
1[LBTS]Live by the sword2232 522 1893
0[LEF]Legion Etrangere35810 8891
1[TIG]The Imperial Guard172 035 8761
1[XXX]Assassin12523 1451
1[ESD]Ever-Shield123 903 5541
1[Inq]Inquisition62283 1671
1[WOLF]The WolfPack33893 9721
1[BSE]British Space Empire63275 7121
1[AII]Andromeda Initiative48505 8761
1[OpTek]OPTEK46513 4022
1[JoKerS]JoKerS58 595 2752
1[MOE]Lulu Chan Crusaders13910 1293
1[KLOMP]Klompenmakers8391 5731
1[BFM]Beg For Mercy162 865 7001
1[MICK]Ring Mick1448 2571
1[RAF303]Polish Fighter Squadro94 831 3672
1[NOHOOTS]Guess10052 3772
1[TDP]The Dutch Pirates1583 7201
1[LOSERS]BraisedSnake191 646 7951
1[init]Unix38739 2332
0[PwP]Pricks with Picks412 752 4841
1[S M]Space Marines181551
1[Lion]Lions Pride8571 9322
1[Roc]Realm of the Chicken291 038 1771
1[HTH]HuTheHale37761 9351
1[EVO]Evolution133 331 1992
1[FRIBA]Friendly Banter13313 6361
1[EAT ME]I AM FARM11627 2191
1[BRXT]BRXT65255 2561
1[Testudo]Testudo40649 0873
1[THRONES]Game of Thrones8486 8441
1[DERP_1]DerpSquad Merica12323 3011
0[Musket]Les Trois Mousquetaires1524 9671
1[NAS]NASTY CREW181 846 8471
1[Create]Fl33t9952 7921
1[No3234]Code Number 323410151 5232
1[Rebles]Rebelions unite1723851
1[ATOM]Atomizer10740 8811
1[Spaniels]The Spaniel Pack1781801
1[BONE]The Federation79120 8053
1[T-G]The Generals1771891
1[underdog]underdog39670 8971
1[FTTD]FThemToDeath12720 4541
1[Hall]Town hall1466 8611
1[WCKD]Wicked68220 9021
1[ROBUR]ROBUR67237 0931
1[WPG]WetPwnageGaming61287 7111
1[JanOin]JangustOin77136 5942
1[NWO_1]NEW WORLD ORDER10250 2481
0[SRT]Spica Resource Trade73169 7502
1[Leafy]LeafyLlama81105 8391
1[ZEN]ZEN1409 4372
1[Imp]Imperium47506 8054
1[MEME]The Pepe Pulsar153 030 3353
1[Ak47]Akatsukii1534 9261
1[U159]The Unforgiven1496 1801
1[IGFS]InterGalacticFistingSquad85 153 3063
1[singular]singularity8967 2761
1[REJX]Suddenly Gaming1564 2611
1[ELDK]Eldritch Knights36770 7612
1[BCR]Bretonia Crusader Regiment8870 1593
1[CBC]C Block Crew12423 2991
1[NBAM]Nothing But A Monkey311 018 0501
1[Moo]Moogle Chronicles231 254 9592
1[GODS]Good Old Deuterium Smugglers301 025 1601
1[DJAG]Storm Birds1602 8992
1[ANAL]All Nations All Levels1515 0072
1[Dorange]Dorange11134 2851
1[UNSC_1]United Nations Space Command9261 3811
1[DAXPRIME]DaXon Prime1419 4191
0[D-G]Deremo Guzove1697481
1[Marulk]De Brunstiga Marulkarna1688261
1[TheDead]The Dead8770 8081
1[B-B]Balkan Boys_11476 7051
1[SPARTANS_1]SPARTANS_19755 1641
1[Umbrella]Umbrella Warfare1791191
1[S252]System 2521733331
1[Kappa]GreyFace Alliance76147 7371
1[FCF]First Class Flyers58318 8071
1[UPS]United Planets and Systems78125 7201
1[BETA]Bleeding Edge Theory Alliance10837 0932
1[U-M]Universal Marines13215 5531
1[Arrow]Vigilantes10444 3441
1[Galactic]Galactic Empire60294 8373
1[Tiganii]The Great Gypsy Consortium1669081
1[W-S]White Star261 167 0871
1[HiTech]Technology is the Future9655 2061
1[SUBLUX]Subluxations1554 4012
1[SHAM]Republic of Lyre1621 7671
1[scm vs]and you12917 6881
1[DADA]C est Marijuana59295 9742
1[A-A_1]Anonymous-Alcoholics32932 4071
1[TDO]The Dark Ones13513 3621
1[GAS]Galactus and the Silversurfers13711 1661
1[GRS]Galactic Retrieval Specialists13612 8921
1[UPOGame]United Planets OGame69205 2511
1[TRN]Roughnecks72174 0751
1[ROM]Romania211 586 4931
1[GOPAT]SunDaronus Freedom Planets18571
1[SNCOR]Suncore Cluster Superfleet64269 7061
1[Dethstar]Dethstar56351 2791
0[SVN]7th Legion10543 9861
1[HOTOBA]How to Basic8671 2611
1[DoF]dragons of fate55365 4603
1[Drake]Dragon Power44545 2641
1[Voodoo]Voodoo1612 5911
1[dasdasd]dasdasdasd66248 6561
1[Rebs]Rebs12223 4961
1[ITPSQUAD]The 2017 ITP SQUAD1714221
1[SOG]Old Farm1762281
1[RDR]ROrder57347 4501
1[monks]sensei warrors1659411
1[DzNuts]DzNuts71191 2711
1[ZRT]Edharra11429 4721
1[POT]Prosper Onwards and Triumph54368 6582
1[Demons]Inner Demons10935 4741
1[Poland16]Polandforthewin34872 1401
1[ATA]Alpha Terra Attackers1457 4751
1[Pirates]Pirate Inc1631 3391
1[Gath]Galactic Thongs13016 5611
1[REAP]Reapers53400 9441
1[lNl]Ningendo1505 1571
1[KoA]KINGSofALL1438 6142
1[BMS]Beat My Stick114 042 9641
1[BadWolf]BadWolf11528 3461