Recruitment off / on universe Virgo [dk]
/ Alliance Position Points Members
1[xXx]xXx3186 656 2867
1[BROUPS]BROUPS1354 180 74710
1[Slayers]Slayers776 883 4226
1[ITA]Made in Italy870 764 7906
1[BE-IT]let it be261 408 1661
1[E M S]ElektroMagnetiskStaalorm31428 9804
1[Tugas]Tugas165 844 6493
1[PKXD]SIMBA149 655 0571
1[Zac War]Krigere5610 7421
0[MCB]MADCUZBAD1053 735 7762
1[FED]FestErDejlig1317 231 1235
1[DEMONIC]The Demonic Sect5100 705 5451
1[GOKTURK]GOKTURK1219 140 4262
0[MAD]Mad And Dangerous2190 234 92511
1[ghg]gngn222 474 2051
1[TLW]The Law39102 6941
1[PMA]PMA29647 5832
1[ALC]ALC4090 0041
1[SWAT]SWAt174 360 3941
1[DKA]Danish Alliance654641
1[Mr Chill]4204383 0271
1[Thu]Thuram4824 1231
1[1975]SmallPower4284 2971
1[Buff]Alliance of Buff5112 7141
1[VIC]Victory584 5741
1[Putin]Ukraine4189 2161
1[ASS]Association of Sultne Sovse575 9091
1[MIA]Missing In Action664361
1[DG-dk]Dragon281 049 6782
1[GUF]Galactic Unity Force194 030 3964
0[NoX]NoX957 408 9151
0[TaM Inc]Trader and Miner Inc1151 599 6284
1[DFS]De flyvende Svin213 164 8941
1[DKD]Dansk domination4917 2642
1[All]Alliance34225 0931
1[Gold 1]Goldfinger 15312 1421
1[GOV]Guardians of Virgo678 895 0589
1[ffff]frie svin4479 1641
1[POL]Poland271 321 1101
1[RIZ]Rizord32343 1631
1[Bagel]Bagel242 048 2051
1[Explorer]Space Explorer38107 9671
0[Dark]Dark star37163 7111
1[AKINCI]AKINCI4145 175 9984
1[HVOR]HVORFOR33316 7021
1[Boys]Boys30611 8523
1[HDD]Hej dig du611 1511
1[PDK]Power Dk251 468 8364
1[Norse]Northen Supreme5511 0271
1[CpT]Crypt232 180 0271
1[TUTS]TUTS5012 9061
1[Abc]Abc35214 5451
1[OPA]Outer Planets Alliance4650 8611
1[SCFS]Space Cats From Space159 410 5241
1[TQO]TQO203 443 0991
1[PWR]Power Ranger645391
1[SUN]Praise the sun184 340 8041
1[Solo]Solo4727 2361
1[FURO]Mustela Putorius Furo5212 4692
1[Bauhaus]Bau36177 4981
1[DFD-BE]Dark Forest Deterrence5411 1961
1[SBalls]SpaceBalls601 2111
1[WrBs]Warner Brothers621 1091
1[AAVARAQ]eskimo4551 2111