Recruitment off / on universe Mathilde [us]
/ Alliance Position Points Members
0[T_K]TheKrauts3277 300 11711
1[MILF]420MILF694219 808 48711
0[DUDE]Dude where ismycar2294 578 2295
1[JTP]JTP40787 6082
1[WAR]Nation of Peace1360 279 40425
1[UNFP]United Federation of Planets8114 752 13418
1[LOA]Legions of Asgard272 006 9621
0[RUN]Rainbow UnicorN962 469 5182
1[No Ally]No Ally361 039 2051
1[SOC]SNOWCA159 506 3284
1[MeM]Minute Men149 884 3404
1[Sith]Sith7136 676 2486
1[aaa]Trei amici371 028 4991
1[FINMAR]Finlands Marauders331 267 4751
1[KULY]KULY83100 2821
1[IIIII]5eyes9150 7091
1[AES]AES-256321 708 1554
1[G P]Great Persia75150 2661
1[USN]Naval Heros8686 0451
1[USA]USA6184 170 89210
1[OSP]POKER5188 188 0983
1[ASS]Astros58418 3821
1[BEER]Here for the Beer291 918 0291
1[ATX]Advanced Xperts57454 6611
1[EST]Estrellas8955 5341
1[WMFS]wastemngmtfleetsrvc41770 8791
1[Romulin]Romulin Empire9717 4111
1[Fierce]Fierce74151 3911
1[uav]UAV51495 3881
1[BGN]Bulgaria186 241 2404
1[Forward]Conferedation Prime195 951 1375
1[LunA]LunarAvengers176 679 6729
1[DC21]DirectiveCompletion214 974 9521
1[VGTS]Voat Goats8498 4691
1[Crusader]Crystal crusaders262 455 8502
1[Tau]Tau Empire64291 7111
1[Imps]Imperial Alliance61385 5052
1[GLC]Green Lantern Corp301 910 8382
1[PIF]Pizza is Life8860 7951
1[Mad]MadMan49510 7031
1[qwerty]qwerty281 984 7691
1[Rhino]Rhincore169 473 6695
1[SWTK]SwatKats351 048 7242
1[BLTFCS]Belt Force53482 7641
1[bbl]bubblewrap1111 0411
1[NIPS]New Interplanetary Sovereignty1036 829 19510
1[PEACE]PEACE69172 9391
1[SWC]Strangers With Candy1139121
1[3-8 char]3-30 characters56469 5461
1[FTQ]For the Quest54473 4141
1[OPSEC]Op Sec46560 6582
1[AC2D]AC2D71158 7841
1[GTU]Galactic Traders United1035 3271
1[Agri]AgriPrecision60392 1511
1[Rome]New Rome76136 9701
1[CSB]The Crimson Blades80112 6902
1[ASG]ASGARD311 908 3352
1[andro]Andromeda4373156 5351
1[yessum]cool62331 0781
1[NMH]NoMoreHeroes244 035 9932
1[Big ass]adem122601
1[DSB]DarkStar BrotherHood8589 4501
1[WLO]WLO47541 9521
1[OSAKA]Legion Osaka52488 4681
1[GTCB]Galactic Cowboys1191321
1[MadM]Mad Mathilde43662 6331
1[HOR]Horda205 662 3071
1[BBBB]Bikini Bottom Balkan Bros78118 5821
1[BLS]SDMF81108 3511
1[THOD]The Hamsters Of Doom1081 8471
1[WoI]World of Ice55472 9931
1[Clmslm]Clam slam77118 7011
1[dyb]deyostiband1222 648 65416
1[ReeF]Chillin234 395 9631
1[TTT]Tenacious Terran Terrors12301
1[blingbbb]blingbangbangborn9812 7111
1[UFG]United Fighters Guild8761 8971
1[OHT]Orions Hunters1044 4991
1[TCC]TheCosmosConfederacy381 002 4323
1[kush]kush1314 591 1522
1[Bal]Balkanija224 830 6334
1[Dod]Dodon63323 8071
1[ADF]Aesir Diplomatic Federation1181601
1[con]Confeds1054 2291
1[SoH]Sons of Hellsreach1025 6501
1[VN Hero]VN Hero44621 5851
1[LSD]Landsraad252 927 5732
1[S-O-A]Sons Of Anarchy50509 3761
1[ITM]In The Mood9334 8611
1[UnSt]Unnatural Strategy1016 8121
1[GZR]Geezer45592 1651
1[svog]svog82103 3081
1[TEST]Test270160 1841
1[ROK]Rebel OutKasts66266 9931
1[DOV]Dolina na volcite341 098 1191
1[CWK]Clockwork1072 1351
1[VNSD]Viet Nam Space Defend68191 6381
1[FoB]Fists of Benevolence42738 9953
1[CGi]Empire9426 9791
1[LDX]LisdexicClolecitve1009 7551
1[ZUB]Zubs79116 9471
1[RBK]RBK1101 5411
1[RHA]Repulic of Human Army1148911
1[MAP]Absolute1063 5661
1[GLAAD]Homosapiens1135 703 2844
1[RGL7]Rigel VII9912 6611
1[Apache20]Apache Outlaws1172471
1[MIP]mine in peace9237 9971
1[Sin]7 Deadly Sins9055 2471
1[damscus]damascus9618 7131
1[S I T H]The Ogame Sith Lords48520 2641
1[VAT]VatTeam72158 3041
1[Mine]MINE59404 8391
1[SFC]Space Fleet Command65268 4173
1[PTF]Phantom Fleet67191 9241
1[USMC]Uncle Sams Misguided Children1091 7531