Recruitment off / on universe Ozone [en]
/ Alliance Position Points Members
1[TUTO]TUTORIAL936 430 33010
0[Sith]The Sith Lords233 848 6821
1[ROM]The Romanian Force148 081 5072
1[NoD]New Order of Diplomacy851 750 5605
0[Scorpio]Scorpions204 496 8631
1[Greece]Greece6432 6341
1[OBS]Old Boys School751 870 4862
1[BALKAN]BALKAN129 180 3304
1[BOIS]TheBois5771 7621
1[APR]April271 538 3412
1[Voyager]Voyager311 037 3904
1[LoA]Legions of Asgard714 6431
1[E H]Event Horizon3202 508 2519
1[Cold]Icerian Empire781 9561
1[SPF]Space Ferrets291 232 9723
1[SFoxes]SFoxes6710 2362
1[OGA]OGame52111 2251
1[RMN]Royal Manticore Navy48142 3121
1[SNERDS]Spicy Nerds50120 2473
1[Power]XMen195 352 1127
1[USA]United Super Alliance32928 3354
1[the one]the one43228 0141
1[Rome]The Roman Empire594 663 8568
1[SPQR]Senatus Populus Que Romanus6610 4691
1[Tcp]The Crimson Phantom36623 6342
1[SDEG]Sdegnati47143 4121
1[Forder]First Order5681 2591
1[GUN]Galaxy United752 7971
1[JENS]JustExpoNoSkill2330 131 8813
1[T4SK]T4SK ALLiANC355102 1761
1[LIA]L Intergalaktiska Alianse281 536 9041
1[GSC-2023]Galactic Space Core 2023797291
1[MGuard]MarineGuard5964 5992
1[MiCo]Miner Corporation167 595 4801
1[CZE]Czech Republic697 1531
1[G2U]Glory to Ukraine35764 0511
1[GSG]Gente del Sr Guzman33845 6521
1[EKLI]Eklipso6516 3651
1[COSIC]Cosmic Intellect Coalition138 992 0112
1[EGG]EGG41259 0742
1[HNK]Hrvatska54102 5871
1[TGE]The Galactic Empire45178 1371
1[COA]The Coalition51119 2831
1[RIZZ]Rizzlords34771 1931
1[Spirit]Spirit6146 6481
1[Pivo]StoWosm39321 2171
1[BNA]Brady Nick Association762 2391
1[UPG]United Planets Alliance53107 9221
1[Peace]Peace4109 639 8783
1[SWISS]Swiss Galactic Federation185 940 4401
1[CoCo]Cosmic Conglomerate214 212 4573
1[crazy]crazy1111 484 8321
1[Orkz]Weird Boyz44193 4151
1[DRF]DRF261 722 8521
0[OTU]Order Of The Unknown40303 5971
0[End]Endless1676 476 9002
0[PYPS]bOLt1018 717 1831
1[ACTIVE]here5869 7231
1[PRIOR]PRIORdETH243 631 2741
1[Meomeo]Meomeo223 974 0801
1[KURIX]Galaktyka Kurix42252 0551
1[M-agy-ar]MAGYAR-Agyar6333 3781
1[SDA]Maikonian724 5711
1[Freedom]Freedom Fighters38583 9441
1[DSA]Dark Sector Alliance706 3441
1[Over]Overgeared46149 6331
1[Emp]5 th Empire6048 9871
1[earthsea]earthsea37596 1321
1[ALONE]A_Lonely_One Need_Everybody688 6831
1[tag3]pontiac252 439 3031
1[Janika]Janika157 599 5311
1[ColSan]Colonel Sanders trader176 824 4461
1[ann]aknon301 203 7371
1[UCV]Universitatea49124 4701
1[JMC]RedDwarfers743 6351
1[T W]The Wreckers676 966 9903
1[dgi]diggie771 9811
1[CIF]Canuck Imperial Federation6243 1121