Recruitment off / on universe Saros [de]
/ Alliance Position Points Members
1[Raven]Raven8145 0091
1[xXx]xXx263 172 9534
1[AUT]Austrian Force9814 6263
1[SICK]WE GET YOU DEPRI3196 965 7747
1[Ue30]Ueber301219 308 1055
1[Stons]Stone old312 317 6563
1[DoD]Ducks of Death41722 7801
1[NONA]No Name381 145 3063
1[Tutorial]Tutorial734 339 94915
1[SEVEN]Seven of Nine73130 7931
1[SG1]Stargate Command641 392 63215
1[J4F]Just for Fun321 676 6301
1[Astro]Astronauten56257 6261
1[H-L]Handels-Liga243 369 1781
1[NaWa]Nachtwache1066 0474
0[German]Deutschland1447 611 92310
1[ALK]Alkwehr64184 9642
1[CAI]ColdAsIce67165 9561
1[Kelloggs]Kelloggs Bande464 483 53813
1[M12]Stein157 944 0621
1[STG]Stargate51409 9492
1[GENESIS]GENESIS2237 298 68817
1[PIS]Pugs in Space10011 4971
1[MBC]MBC7845 0181
1[RVB]Russian Village Boys7745 0261
1[OCB]Maurice7945 0111
1[SeBo]Sennebogen55295 7392
1[MK2]Mech Warriors8345 0031
1[W_B]Weltall Brauerei68160 5832
1[Kyrbi]Kyrbis Dreamland8245 0061
1[Fabel]FABEL8045 0111
1[SIS]Space Invaders Syndicate361 322 3641
1[Allianz]Allianz8545 0021
1[KKND]Krush Kill and Destroy8645 0021
1[Zone]Zone8445 0031
1[I-M]Invictus morior930 373 5217
1[Stark]Tony Stark72141 2131
1[Trader]BTC40799 4371
1[8Bits]8Bits9715 7971
1[UrBoyz]UrGuteBoyz9132 8412
1[LUNAR]Lunatic Deut9913 1381
1[ATF]AustrianTaskForce1103 5522
1[New]Newbie1046 8311
1[Ban List]List of banned User60210 1921
1[P B]Plan B1111 8803
1[NGC]StarTrek1085 3161
1[TEL]The Exoplanetary League214 995 7542
1[T D S]The Dark Society195 738 9482
1[Dreck]Die dreckigen Kollegen7459 8231
1[Adler]Adlerhorst53329 8392
1[SOI]Shadows Of Irgendwatt50420 5572
1[WSGR]Wehrsportgruppe Rotenburg48471 3262
0[Hey]Rheinland Flottenkontrolle223 972 9861
1[hDr]Elite341 421 8961
1[030]Shelby Company58227 9362
1[USCF]UniteX Space Command Force1029 6261
1[HeCG]Hyper Elite Clan Germany9519 7012
1[DreiBund]Drei Planeten Buendnis7645 1831
1[ABI]Abu DhABI9037 8491
1[DBS]Die Buerosoldaten9617 7561
1[SSW]SilentSnowWolves65176 4101
1[unity]the unity351 403 4232
1[De_Al]Pamukkale1094 1591
1[RSq]Reaper Squad70147 3811
1[Dilemma]Die letzten mmanschen292 553 8701
1[K4B]Kill4Beer1025 709 3762
1[ZD99]Zentrale Dienste 99115391
1[WsG]WasabiGang71145 2261
1[EMC]Exordium543 999 99916
1[TabA6]Galaxy61206 3051
1[Darts]Darts62202 4203
1[Spark]Firefly Corporation1313 909 1131
1[DMS]Die Macht Saros54313 2971
1[BWJ]Black Worth8745 0021
1[TODO]GANA8845 0021
1[Somera]Somera8945 0021
0[540]Bose44581 1612
1[KGX]KuCHeNGaNgxD1121 5791
1[Error]Error1119 629 2938
1[ZZS]Zocken Zum Spass47523 9652
1[SAV]Saarvengers9327 8611
1[BoB]Band of Brothers205 453 3533
1[DB ICE]DBWeltraumRaiders391 033 8561
1[Kaff]Kaffee371 285 0121
1[Huawei]Huawei63185 0021
1[968]968176 362 0273
1[PYT]Python233 593 2611
1[SBGA]Spaceballs GermanyAustria52402 2022
1[PMC]Planetoid Mines Corporation302 436 8911
1[Quentin]Quentin282 770 8561
1[BDR]BloodRain9230 8061
1[void]Voidborn830 952 8342
1[Perry]Perry42650 9561
1[Barras]Wehrpflicht331 430 1761
1[Handball]Kempa43641 2211
1[Geralt]Geralt von Riva59212 0111
1[loge]loge253 355 6561
1[CSYN]Collegium Synergeticum69148 5571
1[Cult]The Cult9420 1021
1[HTC]HTC57234 9071
1[Leno]Lenovo66170 2841
1[PtP]Play to Play45574 3171
1[SCC]Star Citizen Crew7548 7761
1[Menschen]Menschen46567 2651
0[SOLO]SOLOLIANZ186 193 4951
0[-E-]Egoist167 839 4591
1[ad astra]Neugier1056 4281
1[AIE]Allied Interstellar Exploratio1039 0201
1[III]III1412 416 6391
1[GROWERs]GROWERs49469 1191
1[lost]lost in space272 916 8561