Recruitment off / on universe Vela [de]
/ Alliance Position Points Members
1[xXx]xXx601 205 6891
1[SdW]Seht die Wikinger2270 576 53711
1[Vik]Vikings522 022 1631
1[TMS]The Miners51 674 865 60715
1[420]Hotbox9432 304 9224
1[AlSancak]AlSancak69389 9181
1[NVB]Nachbarschaftsverbindung10303 776 8135
1[FUN]Juat4Fun416 417 3911
1[SUF]Sass und Feude82123 2451
1[Klingon]Klingon Empire561 499 3282
1[GotG]Guardians of the Galaxy79141 6541
1[IMP]Imperial32 370 314 62511
1[ReC]ReCombination16119 110 4114
1[dgd]Die ganz Doofen76172 6441
1[EXPOGER]Germanen Entdecker113 207 428 71513
1[HdG]Haendler Gilde14190 464 5854
1[SPQR]Senatus Populusque Romanus71320 0961
1[MMB]MaennerMitBaerten8579 5791
1[VOY]Voyagers78147 9801
1[war]warRion2926 031 6301
1[HBG]Black Goats426 340 8941
0[APFEL]Obst42 028 959 0128
1[TUT]Tutorial61 311 323 83135
1[LNC]La Noche Cool611 042 2641
1[IAS]Interstellar Allied Systems2831 401 7103
1[Ash]Altstoffhandel9316 9701
1[CPM]CPM12262 389 9341
1[LIR]LetItRollerZ975 2571
1[CDS]Cartel de Sith64694 4341
1[ChSs]Chainsmokers73209 9041
1[MONOLIT]Monolit3612 056 6432
0[OrbCorp]Orbital Corporation80135 8471
1[qoop]poor_people2733 328 7901
1[FF88]Friedliche Forscher17118 778 4458
1[PUB]BierKneipe8498 3601
1[TradeCo]AETERcorp8937 0791
1[eXo]Exo71001 4031
1[S4E]Solo 4 Ever70358 2181
1[sull]sudrastil472 821 7541
1[edit by theforce]edit by theforce10601
1[Da_pofig]Da_pofig453 952 5911
1[BIRNE]Obstsalat9612 6651
1[CRIME]GamingIs not A Crime68414 5812
1[SWG]Swaggers63923 3071
1[S_F]Shadow Fighters388 535 3561
1[TDC]The Dragons Clan2174 056 6201
1[IPD]Independence397 048 1241
1[S H]Shit happens23 636 580 80811
1[TRADE]Trade Republic1975 884 4643
1[USS]Sternenflotte9026 0361
1[Cry]Crasyfly32443 187 0561
1[LANE]LANE3513 362 8972
1[NLBW]NaLeBeWi581 334 8831
1[NMB]NMB3218 907 3031
1[DOPE]Der Orden des Phoenix8664 8661
1[LOW]LOWPUBLIC8399 6292
1[Sync]Sync75175 7871
1[STARS]DEATH STARS571 419 7841
1[3l6l9]EnergylFrequencylVibration66449 0241
1[ReDa]ReDa9416 3991
1[WSG]WirSindGroot3023 376 7733
1[Zeit]Zeit3317 526 0161
1[SG-1]Stargate Kommando SG-12355 222 7301
1[SOA]Sons of Anarchy551 730 1291
1[ONLY]ONLY2075 014 6991
1[OMEGA]OMEGA2541 492 2031
1[LEGION]Die dunkle LEGION7695 837 72317
1[GForce]Grimforce591 306 0541
1[BANG]BANG482 608 8321
1[TGA]TheGreatAllianz463 127 6471
1[FLO]FALLOBST8543 455 1884
1[HG-V]Haendlergilde Vela13232 500 7141
1[SYLD]Support Your Local Dealer444 458 4911
1[Persei 8]Omicron Persei 83416 031 3951
1[GZR]Galaktisches Zwergenreich531 881 6601
1[HUK_Dr]HUK_Droelf1893 311 8553
1[noAlly]noAlly379 780 7151
1[url]urlauber65515 2711
1[Borg]Die Borg74191 6281
1[KoV]KINGS of Vela512 129 4991
1[ACDC]ACDC2638 072 5531
1[META]MeTa Allianz435 645 9942
1[C-V]City-V81129 7821
1[BBC]Blazing Boy Congregation67417 3823
1[Chris]Valhalla992 3131
1[booh]Ghost502 204 8721
1[SoV]Sozialistische Vereinigung8751 3211
1[TSO]The special ones3119 979 6861
1[Pre]Predators15160 543 6114
1[KINGZ]KINGZ11293 513 9939
1[Igm]Igel Metall541 819 8001
1[067]huhu492 322 2551
1[BGT]Basgiath983 7961
1[zocken]STrohhutbande9125 9531
1[FuH]Frieden und Harmonie62966 8121
1[P_P]Professional_Production8844 8881
1[BiG]Back in Game9221 6491
1[GTR]Galaxy Trio72267 6393
1[GGC]Girls Going Commando77170 8881